Play Guide


Mouse & Keyboard Controls

This section explains how the mouse and keyboard controls work (on default settings) when outside the game's combat missions.
Interface Controls
Mouse Controls
OkayLeft Click
Cursor MovementMouse Movement
Keyboard Controsl
Move Mission Cursor (Left)Left / A
Move Mission Cursor (Right)Right / D
Move Mission Cursor (Up)Up / W
Move Mission Cursor (Down)Down / S
Move Menu Cursor (Left)<
Move Menu Cursor (Right)>
Battle Controls
Battle controls can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Battle Keybindings
You can also turn Attack with Mouse Click off in Settings -> Control Settings too.
Attack on Left or Right Mouse Click
Attack (Main Weapon 1)Left Click
Attack (Sub Weapon 1)Right Click
Keyboard Controls
Move (Left)A
Move (Right)D
Move (Forward)W
Move (Back)S
Attack (Main Weapon 1)K
Attack (Main Weapon 2)I
Attack (Sub Weapon 1)J
Attack (Sub Weapon 2)U
Shake OffO
Reload (Main Weapon 1)T
Reload (Main Weapon 2)Shift + T
Reload (Sub Weapon 1)R
Reload (Sub Weapon 2)Shift + R
Switch Main Weapon (Prev)E
Switch Main Weapon (Next)C
Switch Sub-Weapon (Prev)Q
Switch Sub-Weapon (Next)Z
Switch Style (Back)F
Switch Style (Next)G
Switch Style (1)1
Switch Style (2)2
Switch Style (3)3
Switch Style (4)4
Switch Style (5)5
Switch Style (6)6
Switch Style (7)7
Switch Style (8)8
Switch Style (9)9
Switch Style (10)0
Select Targer (Nearest),
Switch Target (Left)H
Switch Target (Right)N
Switch Target (Up)B
Switch Target (Down)M
Target FilterTab
Switch Target Filter (Back)X
Switch Target Filter (Next)V

Gamepad Controls

This section explains how the gamepad controls work (on default settings) when outside the game's combat missions.
Gamepad settings can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Set Gamepad
Interface Controls
Mission Cursor MovementLeft Stick
Menu MovementLB/RB Button
OkayA Button
CancelB Button
Battle Controls
Battle controls can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Battle Keybindings
Move (Left)←(Left Stick)
Move (Right)→(Left Stick)
Move (Forward)↑(Left Stick)
Move (Back)↓(Left Stick)
Attack (Main Weapon 1)RT
Attack (Main Weapon 2)RB
Attack (Sub Weapon 1)LT
Attack (Sub Weapon 2)LB
Shake OffL3 (Pad Weapon 3)
Reload (Main Weapon 1)X+RT
Reload (Main Weapon 2)X+RB
Reload (Sub Weapon 1)X+LT
Reload (Sub Weapon 2)X+LB
Switch Main Weapon (Prev)↑(Arrow Key)
Switch Main Weapon (Next)↓(Arrow Key)
Switch Sub-Weapon (Prev)X + ↑(Arrow Key)
Switch Sub-Weapon (Next)X + ↓(Arrow Key)
Switch Style (Back)←(Arrow Key)
Switch Style (Next)→ (Arrow Key)
Select Targer (Nearest)X + L3 (Pad Weapon 3)
Switch Target (Left)↑(Right Stick)
Switch Target (Right)↓(Right Stick)
Switch Target (Up)←(Right Stick)
Switch Target (Down)→ (Right Stick)
Target FilterR3 (Pad Weapon 3)
Switch Target Filter (Back)X + Up (Left Stick)
Switch Target Filter (Next)X + Down (Left Stick)