Play Guide
Mouse & Keyboard Controls
This section explains how the mouse and keyboard controls work (on default settings) when outside the game's combat missions.
Interface Controls
Mouse Controls
Okay | Left Click |
Cursor Movement | Mouse Movement |
Keyboard Controsl
Okay | Enter |
Cancel | Esc |
Move Mission Cursor (Left) | Left / A |
Move Mission Cursor (Right) | Right / D |
Move Mission Cursor (Up) | Up / W |
Move Mission Cursor (Down) | Down / S |
Move Menu Cursor (Left) | < |
Move Menu Cursor (Right) | > |
Battle Controls
Battle controls can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Battle Keybindings
You can also turn Attack with Mouse Click off in Settings -> Control Settings too.
Attack on Left or Right Mouse Click
Attack (Main Weapon 1) | Left Click |
Attack (Sub Weapon 1) | Right Click |
Keyboard Controls
Move (Left) | A |
Move (Right) | D |
Move (Forward) | W |
Move (Back) | S |
Jump | Space |
Attack (Main Weapon 1) | K |
Attack (Main Weapon 2) | I |
Attack (Sub Weapon 1) | J |
Attack (Sub Weapon 2) | U |
Skill | L |
Shake Off | O |
Reload (Main Weapon 1) | T |
Reload (Main Weapon 2) | Shift + T |
Reload (Sub Weapon 1) | R |
Reload (Sub Weapon 2) | Shift + R |
Switch Main Weapon (Prev) | E |
Switch Main Weapon (Next) | C |
Switch Sub-Weapon (Prev) | Q |
Switch Sub-Weapon (Next) | Z |
Switch Style (Back) | F |
Switch Style (Next) | G |
Switch Style (1) | 1 |
Switch Style (2) | 2 |
Switch Style (3) | 3 |
Switch Style (4) | 4 |
Switch Style (5) | 5 |
Switch Style (6) | 6 |
Switch Style (7) | 7 |
Switch Style (8) | 8 |
Switch Style (9) | 9 |
Switch Style (10) | 0 |
Select Targer (Nearest) | , |
Switch Target (Left) | H |
Switch Target (Right) | N |
Switch Target (Up) | B |
Switch Target (Down) | M |
Target Filter | Tab |
Switch Target Filter (Back) | X |
Switch Target Filter (Next) | V |
Gamepad Controls
This section explains how the gamepad controls work (on default settings) when outside the game's combat missions.
Gamepad settings can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Set Gamepad
Interface Controls
Mission Cursor Movement | Left Stick |
Menu Movement | LB/RB Button |
Okay | A Button |
Cancel | B Button |
Battle Controls
Battle controls can be changed from Config -> Control Settings -> Battle Keybindings
Move (Left) | ←(Left Stick) |
Move (Right) | →(Left Stick) |
Move (Forward) | ↑(Left Stick) |
Move (Back) | ↓(Left Stick) |
Jump | A |
Attack (Main Weapon 1) | RT |
Attack (Main Weapon 2) | RB |
Attack (Sub Weapon 1) | LT |
Attack (Sub Weapon 2) | LB |
Skill | Y |
Shake Off | L3 (Pad Weapon 3) |
Reload (Main Weapon 1) | X+RT |
Reload (Main Weapon 2) | X+RB |
Reload (Sub Weapon 1) | X+LT |
Reload (Sub Weapon 2) | X+LB |
Switch Main Weapon (Prev) | ↑(Arrow Key) |
Switch Main Weapon (Next) | ↓(Arrow Key) |
Switch Sub-Weapon (Prev) | X + ↑(Arrow Key) |
Switch Sub-Weapon (Next) | X + ↓(Arrow Key) |
Switch Style (Back) | ←(Arrow Key) |
Switch Style (Next) | → (Arrow Key) |
Select Targer (Nearest) | X + L3 (Pad Weapon 3) |
Switch Target (Left) | ↑(Right Stick) |
Switch Target (Right) | ↓(Right Stick) |
Switch Target (Up) | ←(Right Stick) |
Switch Target (Down) | → (Right Stick) |
Target Filter | R3 (Pad Weapon 3) |
Switch Target Filter (Back) | X + Up (Left Stick) |
Switch Target Filter (Next) | X + Down (Left Stick) |